Sunday, May 24, 2020

SpeedsportZ we will be there!


Well, my friend's son is graduating, and with the weirdness going on now due to The 'Rona...the ceremony of the graduation, the most signifigant thus far, is so changed, so diminished. We feel for the graduates this year, as it is irreparably fractured. 

Robert is a race fan, a student if you will- after all he is Griff's stepson! Robert plays racing games almost as voraciously as the old man. Soon we will do some online iracing through one of the game consoles Xbox or Playstation which will be fun as well.

Congratulations, Robert! Hope your journey from here into the future is filled with excitement and passion. Find what you love to do, and figure out how to make it a career, you can't go wrong!

Prepare for a day on the track at SpeedsportZ in New Caney. It's a GREAT racing experience!

I'd love to introduce you to the basics of on-track ettiquette, cornering, apexing and a few more complex driving skills we learn as we progress into competitive karting. 

As your Dad no doubt has told you, I won my kart class' points championship in 2007 with the IKF Southwest Road Racing Division. I owe plenty to people who sponsored, invested time and effort and lent me their individual expertise. I am truly grateful to the selfless attitudes of people like Frank Newsom and Colin Walker.


After a brief intro to track flags and on and off track transiting, we will take a few laps. I'll let you come up to speed a little, then I'll take the lead and demonstrate entering and exiting turns and hitting the apex. After a few laps I'll let you lead and show me how it's done!

Here's a great video on track at SpeedsportZ:

And finally,  some photos from back in the day


Can't wait!
