Monday, June 04, 2018

Nurburgring Nordschliefe Turn Names

If you are like me, you've spent hours and hours and hours playing Gran Tourismo and honing the skills to learn and drive performance automobiles on the massive, 12 mile circuit outside Nurburg, Germany known as the Nurburgring Nordschliefe or North Loop.

I've always wondered what the names of the turns are, as I assumed just like all other European tracks, there were names from the old days.
Hhere they all are along with notes from some of the turns. Enjoy!

After driving performance cars on this circuit for years, simulation only of course, I finally have the German names for all of the corners. Here they are from a straightaway start coming into the first right hander, de-celerating under the bridge….

L              Antoniusbusche
L              Tiergarten
L-R          Hohenrain
R             #13 (left back to F1 track, right to ‘North Loop’
Start/finish line (Gran Tourismo)
L              Nordikere
L+           Hatzenbach        9-turn section

R-L          Hocheichen        off-camber blind entry
R             Quiddelbacher  compression before jump
R             Flugplatz              (flying place) high speed double apex after jump
L              Schewdenkreuz
R             Aramburg            late apex
L              downhill to Fuchshore (foxhole)
L, R, L     Adenaur Forst   decelerating to ‘chicane’
L              Metzgefed          1 and 2 both left handers
R             Kallinhard            blind, late apex
R+           miss, hit miss     3-apex high speed
R, L, R    Wahreifen          slowest corner
L              Breidscheid
R             Ex-Muhle            uphill, slippery

L              Lauda’s Link        Nikki’s crash site 1979
R             Bergwerk
-              Kesselchen         2 km flat-out uphill
L              Mutkurve            (courage corner)
R             Klosteral              after rise
R             Steilstrecke
L              Karussell              (carousel)
L, R         Hohe Acht           highest point (timing section)
R             Hedwigshohe   
R, L+      Wipperman        (see saw man)
L              Eschbach             double apex
R             Brunnchen          #1 and 2

L, R         Eiskurve               (ice curve)
R, R, L    Pflatzgarten        #1 candy land
L              Sprunghugel     
R, L, R    Pflatzgarten       #2
R, L         Schwalbenschwanz         left hand over the hill blind exit
L              Kleins Karussell                 (little carousel)
R             Galgenkopf        double apex
R             Dottinger-Hohe
-              Straightaway past Castle Nurburg on R
