Photos from Cresson
Motorsports Ranch Cresson was the first race of SWRA's 2008 schedule. As readers know, I was only able to compete in this and the second race of that season, in defense of my KT100 Heavy title.
The following pics are of the fellow competitors and myself in the Sunday race.
Race winner Jamey Brown
2nd Place John Dale Brown
3rd and 4th Place #22 Oscar Moran and #21 Ian Carroll
Gene Brown
Luke Heskith, Left and Blake Krueger, center
#27 J.R. Miller
#23 Julie Munden and #25 Luke Heskith
Justin talks with Blake pre-race
Your humble host, Ian Carroll (aka Katykarter), left and Colin Walker, right.
ps! thats David Munden with his back to the camera along with his wife Julie. That's about all anyone saw of David this year, he won the 2008 KT100 Lights and Heavies points championship. Congratulations, David!!
Click on "Cresson Opener a Fast One" in the Previous Posts section near the top of the page for a description of the Saturday and Sunday races.